You are in control.

  1. You are on control of the number of therapy sessions, 
  2. You are in control of the type / modality of therapy.
  3. You have a choice of male or female.therpist.
  4. You are in control of weekly or fortnightly sessions.
  5. You can access therapy when it is a good time for you.
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Inclusive and Affordable

At the WellBee’ing Lodge we are now offering an affordable sliding fee structure.

A sliding scale fee is a form of payment that some therapists use to help individuals that can’t afford the cost of a private therapy session. Seeking mental health help shouldn’t be…

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Therapist Preference

When reaching out to us, your email will be shared with both therapists. If you have a preference between Joanne and Mike, please state it in the body of your message.